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Corporate Philosophy
For the Future of Music – We will continue our challenge for the development of the music culture and industry –
The one and only agent playing the sound of the next generation
President & CEO Masahiro Anan
President & CEO Masahiro Anan

I would like to express my sincere appreciation once more to all our stakeholders, including the rights holders, users, and shareholders, for their ongoing support.
We have cited the launch of new businesses as one of our strategies for future growth. In 2023, we achieved this with our foray into a new business domain as a general music agent through a capital and business alliance with RecoChoku Co., Ltd. and its subsidiary, Eggs Co., Ltd. Meanwhile, our in-house new business creation project has been completed, and preparations are underway for the launch of a new business.
Due to a variety of factors, including an increase in our staff numbers coinciding with the expansion of our business performance, we relocated our head office to YEBISU GARDEN PLACE in January 2024. In these more favorable surroundings, all of us at NexTone, officers and employees alike, will work vigorously on our operations with a refreshed mindset.
The music industry has entered a period of reorganization on a variety of fronts, and we are more keenly aware than ever of the growing importance of the agent business, in its position standing between rights holders and users. NexTone will roll out businesses that will contribute to the greater advancement of the music industry and music culture, while steadily achieving our own growth. I hope you will give us your continued understanding and support.

President & COO Yuji Arakawa
President & COO Yuji Arakawa

Since NexTone’s inception, our major challenges have been the management of overseas use and performing rights management. With respect to the former, the number of works that we manage and the area of coverage are steadily expanding, and the amount of fees collected has grown with greater momentum than expected. As for the latter, while gradually building up a track record, we are making progress toward the establishment of new licensing and collection schemes befitting the new era. That we are able to continue to expand our business from such medium- to long-term perspectives is due to the understanding and support of our shareholders and all our stakeholders, and for this I express my profound appreciation.
Around the world today, debate is focused on the need for the creation of a new creator economy. By adding the kinds of businesses that RecoChoku and Eggs are engaged in, which have a perspective that is closer to music fans, to our existing businesses, namely copyright management, digital distribution and casting, and systems development, we will create synergies and offer multilayered support to artists’ activities from all angles. In doing so, we will strive to create a creator economy that will be at the forefront of the world.


About us

NexTone Inc.
Corporate Philosophy

For the Future of Music
– We will continue our challenge for the development of the music culture and industry –


The one and only agent playing the sound of the next generation


Established in 2000 upon the enforcement of the Japanese copyright management law and re-established in February 2016 as a joint venture between e-License Inc. and Japan Rights Clearance Inc., NexTone continues to strive towards providing solutions for rights holders through the offering of flexible copyright management and licensing, transparent operations and processing, and equitable royalty distribution. Optimizing the combined knowledge and experience of both companies, we aim to open new possibilities for rights holders by exploring alternative solutions in the face of a dynamically changing landscape, and establishing NexTone as the one and only agent playing the sound of the next generation.


Utilizing the speed and flexible business structure of private-sector companies, we are setting up new management rules adapted to the era we live in, while also ascertaining rights holders’ needs and market trends. In addition, we are making more opportunities to promote works through flexible operations that respond to circumstances.


We have developed a digital distribution business, marketing & promotion business, music publisher business-agency service, and system development business, offering a wide variety of support for all parties involved in the music business, including music publishers, artists and management.


We value transparency. As such, we disclose to rights holders detailed data on when, where, how and by whom their works were used. We make users, services, volumes, and royalties clear to see, so their associated data can also be used for marketing purposes.

Only One

We are the industry’s leading copyright agent. We use our highly professional knowledge and expertise accumulated mainly through our copyright management business, going beyond the bounds of management services and offering total support to all parties in the music business.

10F YEBISU GARDEN PLACE, 4-20-3 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-6010 JAPAN
Google Map
September, 2000 (corporate name changed to NexTone Inc. as of February, 2016)
1,218,582,000yen(as of March 31,2024)
President & CEO
Masahiro Anan
President & COO
Yuji Arakawa
Senior Managing Director
Teiji Nagoshi
Fumihiro Watanabe
Outside Director
Nobuhiko Takahashi
Outside Director
Yuko Abe *
Outside Director
Junki Kosaka *
Full-time Auditor
Kazutoshi Watanabe
Outside Auditor
Nobuyuki Kobayashi
Outside Auditor
Toshifumi Oshima *

* The Company has designated Ms. Yuko Abe, Mr. Junki Kosaka, and Mr. Toshifumi Oshima as Independent Officers as set forth by Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.

Qualified invoice issuer registration number

Group Companies